Grand Bathukamma found place in Guinness Book of Records with total of 9,292 women taking part in celebrations at Lal Bahadur Stadium in Hyderabad on Saturday evening. The Telangana government-sponsored festival is the first of its kind fete in south India after, after 5,211 women took part in Onam celebrations creating a record in Kerala recently.
Women from various parts of Telangana State thronged to the stadium from the Saturday morning as arrangements were made for the grand celebration with a view to showcase the tradition and culture of Telangana.
The festivities was kicked off 11-day ago across Telangana State including some parts of America and Middle East with fervour and gaiety. The festival, which is commonly observed by women, has unique story during Telangana agitation.
According to the scriptures, Bathukamma is an expression – Mother Goddess come alive. It has become popular after formation of Telangana State. Now it is being widely celebrated across the globe by Telangana women taking pride in singing beautiful and rhythmic chants by making small to big circles.
Though the Bathukumma received lukewarm response initially from people, the festival picked up steam in even in urban areas with the girls taking interest in participating in Bathukamma.
Women with colourful attire dance around variety of colourful flowers arranged in circular row during evenings. On final day of the festival, women take the Bathukammas at a lake or a water body and sing the songs before immersing them in water.
Women from various parts of Telangana State thronged to the stadium from the Saturday morning as arrangements were made for the grand celebration with a view to showcase the tradition and culture of Telangana.
The festivities was kicked off 11-day ago across Telangana State including some parts of America and Middle East with fervour and gaiety. The festival, which is commonly observed by women, has unique story during Telangana agitation.
According to the scriptures, Bathukamma is an expression – Mother Goddess come alive. It has become popular after formation of Telangana State. Now it is being widely celebrated across the globe by Telangana women taking pride in singing beautiful and rhythmic chants by making small to big circles.
Though the Bathukumma received lukewarm response initially from people, the festival picked up steam in even in urban areas with the girls taking interest in participating in Bathukamma.
Women with colourful attire dance around variety of colourful flowers arranged in circular row during evenings. On final day of the festival, women take the Bathukammas at a lake or a water body and sing the songs before immersing them in water.